Fair S. Michael Montescaglioso
Chronicle of the investiture of the Master of the Fair.
By Ariberto Salati
with great interest that I learned associations, cultural Montescaglioso, sponsored by the City, they recovered the ancient and glorious festival of San Michele Arcangelo.
I'm sure, with my work, add a piece to the mosaic of the history of the Abbey and the Universitas Montescaglioso.
The object of my discussion marks the transition of management from the Fair PP. Universitas to Benedictines.
report the news of the cessation of the investiture of Dr. D. Salati Francesco [1] Mastro's Fair elected by Rev. Frs. Benedictines at Mastro's Fair Director elected by the Provincial Audience of matter as well as have it passed the Notary Alessandro Palma Pomarico, October 3, 1757. [2]
ancient beasts arose spontaneously as trade associations for the needs of rural populations, the products of farming and crafts.
were built to coincide with major local holidays, religious or around large cities at the crossroads of major highways.
failure, however, the main roads and the bad security trade impeded in various ways but the feudal lords, religious orders and concerts to Universitas merchant protection, tax exemptions and privileges.
So, we gave each show a statute that regulates the management, performance and durability.
As is known, Montescaglioso the fair was taking place behind the walls of the Benedictine Monastery and began the day of the Feast of St. Michael, on September 27 of each year, and had a period of ten days.
The Sanctuary Accustomed to such a prominent role as a devotional and commercial center, and gave great impetus in social, economic and religious, not only for the people of Basilicata, but also those of neighboring provinces.
Wanting to establish a start date of this market is not an easy undertaking, Abbot D. Serafino Tanzi, in his "Chronological History" of the monastery, written in 1746, we learn that in the month of March 1115 the Countess of Montescaglioso, Emma de Hauteville, Crescenzio granted the abbot "in perpetuum" the power to exercise, in the space of ten days of the fair, justice in civil cases and the ability to put his signs, that the Tanzi describes as " Lance golden swords of the same gold stuck in a blue shield with gold image of S. Michele Arcangelo in the same blue, used to express each time the row count, but not the stick and the machine gun or his hat. "
Federico d'Aragona, King of Naples (1497 - 1504) extended this right to criminal cases and mixed with the power to enact the ultimate punishment. [3]
The monastery, concessions in accordance with the king, every year at this fair, elected a Deputy Judge called "Magister Nundinarum" which during the ten days the market had very wide jurisdiction over the whole territory of Montescaglioso and pronounced judgments in all cases and mixed mere Empire until the Sunday before the feast dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel. [4]
These exclusive rights to the PP. Benedictine exercise them until the year 1757, ie until the subject hit the Marquis Montescaglioso the Royal Audience of Matera, which sought to RR. Fathers show their licenses and privileges that were proud.
sat, then, that king on the throne of Naples that the history and literature handed down to us as one of the most enlightened monarchs of Europe, Charles III of Bourbon, who celebrated with the customary 1738 reformed the administration of justice and decadent in 1741 concluded a concordat with Pope Benedict XIV made smooth by which all legal disputes with S. See. [5]
Certainly the sentence handed down by the Royal Audience of Matera in favor of the thesis of 'Marquis of Ill.mo Montescaglioso clarified an untenable situation that had arisen with the abbot of the monastery and its predecessors, granted to the lord and the Civic Universitas a prominent role in the organization and management of the fair in question.
In that regard, let's see what Joseph Salati says in his book "The Old Joy" from the exhibition of the Cross which still holds, with appropriate variations, in that town:
"The flag is hoisted in to that show Joy in the 4th September of each year,
and all the tycoons and barons of the University, including those of the entire Cilento, who felt an obligation upon a special invitation to come to joy, and had the honor to accompany her.
Each year is named the Master of the Fair, which, preceding the flag to the sound of drums and firing of musketry, he went on the spot and found not only during the four day event but also for other eleven days later, having justice in civil, commercial and even criminal.
For the same number of days the flag was left exposed and preserved by bargelli Baronial and other guards.
Nell'istessa and a pump, as it was carried, the flag was returned to the Baron's Palace, where it was left exposed. " [6]
The chronicle of events:
October 2, 1757.
In order to clarify the dispute between the feudal lord (the Marquis Camillo D. Cattaneo) and the Abbey of S . Michele, October 2, 1757 Montescaglioso gathered in front of the royal notary Alessandro Palma Earth Pomarico, the national contracts and witnesses under oath "to Dei Evangelia", Messrs:
Mr. D. Antonio Rogers, Governor [7] and Judge of the City of Montescaglioso;
Mr. Maurizio La Gamba in this same city;
The mag.co Notaro Giovan Battista Pace also of this city;
Angelo Antonio Cansoniero Mulfè and Xavier, "the Royal Audience alguzzini Province of Matera.
Mr. D. Antonio Rogers asserts that "yesterday the day after lunch about 23 hours (17 hours today) the first of this month that Mr. D. is led by Dr. Salati Francesco Matera, Master of the Fair this South City (Montescaglioso) for before the PP. Benedictine. ... And having found above the house where held the Court, [8] and properly in the house of the same PP. Benedictine Monastery at their opposite, to tell him that the Provincial Director and Audience had held a court in the presence of Mr Short. Dean, to discuss the cause of the jurisdiction of the Market Master as a result of the dispute arising between the Ill. Mo Marquis and the Town of Montescaglioso PP. Benedictines, who had not performed, "running orders of the supreme royal" privilege ordered by His Majesty (HM) "God forbid."
Thus, the Court ruled that Mr it. D. Francis had given up Salati from the Fiera di Mastro appointed by the PP. Benedictines and that Mr. Salati had to summarize the jurisdiction of Mastro's Fair as the Director intended audience for the duration of ten days of the Fair of S. Angel and the moments that were sent "letters and a letter patentali Director of the same court.
The governor claims that part of the 'Marquis Distinguished there had been no difficulties for the appointment, in fact, there was all the pleasure and consuolo, Mr it. Salati, Market Master elected by the PP. Benedictines, had begun to operate in 'istesso Office on behalf of the Royal Audience, and that the' Ill. Marquis had no doubt, indeed it was safe and trusted in his integrity and prudence with which it would handle things without giving opportunity to complaints and appeals to set each of the parties "(to him and to the Royal Audience).
For this purpose, when the letters were submitted patentali should begin to sign court documents as a delegate of the R. Hearing and not to arouse jealousy had to change the Camerlengo, [9] "Army family" the Catapano [10] and any other officer subordinate to him in the office of Master of the Fair. Was thus to elect other people and to silence those elected by PP.Benedettini send him with the new licenses.
And since there was no difficulty in his person as well as in the person of Marco mag.co Calculli that could be taken as Master of the Acts. [11]
But unlike all other persons elected by PP.Benedettini "will not contribute one met all the trouble."
Meanwhile, the Market Master appointed by R. Audience could not live and "take the Court" in the house where he had worked as a Master of Fair elected by the Monastery. He must then go to the mayor because he would have provided a home for "live and govern the Court" and also had to "raise the flag placed by the PP. Benedictines and defiggere calls he made effigy as elected by PR. PP.
And everything else he deferred to his wisdom and prudence.
Salati Dr. Francis said that he would run literally everything that he had ordered and with "all his pleasure would have summed up the Office of Fair designed by R. Mastro audience, and that defisso was banned from the facts before him, he raised the flag of the PP. Benedictines and would send the new appointments to the Camerlengo, the Catapano, and the family court of the Master of the Fair.
Meanwhile arrived " 's Audience Algoz of R. Xavier Mulfè', the Algoz Angel'Antonio Canzoniero, an Albanian and Mag.co notary Giovan Battista Pace, was 23 hours and a half (the ns. 17,30), of the Algoz Court was served on Mr. Letter from the Director and the salty Patentali Letters sent by the Royal Audience.
Letters were received with honor and reverence by Mr. Salati, "which if fully set them above the head."
L 'Algozino asked to give feedback to what had commissioned the Court, Mr. Salati replied that on the back of the license would "compliance, and would have given an account and reflect the response with court enforcement, which would have delivered this morning to 14 hours" (the ns. 8).
Then he spoke with D. Antonio Maria Ruggieri Notaries GB with Pace that he (Salted) would, henceforth, to things done on these. It andiede the Peace and Notary came mag.co D. Nunzio La Gamba with a written on behalf of the widow Nicola Vita Venice Montescaglioso appearing before the Dr. D. Salati Francesco as Market Master of the Royal Palace in the audience because of drugs administered to the satisfaction of Venice by Lorito qm Apothecary of the Monastery of St. Rev. Angelo.
After that Mr. D. Antonio Maria Ruggieri resigned and he went down with D. Nunzio La Gamba.
Mr. Salati reassured them that "henceforth it would seek to succennate things."
October 3
The next day three October felt the need to meet again at the tenth hour, about four in the morning and in the house where the Master holds the Curia Market in front of the Monastery of St. Michael the Archangel, in public testimony and the presence of the Royal Notaries Alessandro Palma Pomarico, the Judge Domenico Morano and witnesses to contracts to make it clear How much does it was said and done the day before:
Angelo Antonio Cansoniero , Algozino the Royal Court of Matera;
Dr. D. Antonio Maria Ruggieri current Governor and Judge of that city (Montescaglioso)
The Mag.co Horace Gatti, Mayor;
Giovan Domenico Motta, elected;
The Mag.co Notaries Thurs. Baptist Contangelo, Mag.ca Chancellor of this University;
The Mag.co Notaries Ferdinando Nicola La Fratta,
D. Nunzio La Gamba;
Nicholas Angelo Cotugno;
Melchior lamented
Giuseppe Saverio Vinz.
in the same house is also mag.co Calculli Marco, who qualified Master of Acts of Nundive (market) in the name of R. Hearing, at which the Algozino Angelo Antonio Canzoniero deliver a sealed letter and "wish there pronounced the instance of the Person of D. Frank Salati, Master of the Fair in the name of R. Hearing "which shall notify the court order.
Now we have the opportunity to "witness" the ceremony of investiture of Francesco Salati at Mastro's Fair of the Royal Audience.
The Marco Calculli curial has started from home ahead of us, and entered the Monastery of the PP. Benedictines, two came back together a little do with Mr. D. Frank Salati and ahead of us predicted the South Algoz them delivered to Mr. Salati do with a letter sealed with the steering wheel of the Ill. Mo Mr. Dean, as do letter from Mr. lettasi Salati, said: Behold, the My report has happened in court, and continuing to read said they Banni Pretoria has already been made with the title of His Majesty (God forbid), and that of Mr. Dean Provincial, and said the South Marco Calculli, that 'he pointed out all these they made, ave run as the South Marco Calculli, hunting out of his pocket a sheet in which the beginning there is the title of His Majesty (God forbid) then to the title of the Ill. mo Mr. Dean, the following heads of Banni , and then do the signature of Francesco SD Salati, signing: Magister Nundinarum Appointments Rega Audiencia, so too Mark Calculli Magister Actus Appointments Rega Audiencia.
Algozzino After that, the South said that since the day before he was to notify another Algozzino Mr. Salati the decree of R. Hearing and carried her driver's license in the name of the Master of the Fair Hearing R., and delivered to Mr. Salati, they said that the order Algozzino given to the Court that the answers he had brought it Algozzino, and Mr. D. Ciccio told me that at fourteen hours of yesterday morning I would have given the answers, and as I had seen since the Ore sixteen, told me that he had sent her to another carrier, and tornatamene have reported yesterday in the Court with Mr. Head Rotates all this, the Minister said he wanted me in prison, so I imposed, that the response to this order (presented) in the presence of all these witnesses to the dessin in my hand for all the twenty hours, having to be in court for the of twenty hours this day, so I'll continue their protest Messrs., to which Mr it. Salati ave said to want out transactions for that time. Of Mr. Governor then replied saying that it did not matter that he had made them also bans under the title of MS, of the Ill. Mo Mr. Dean with his signature Magister Nundinazione appointed by the Royal Audience kept it in the bag Mr. Marco Calculli, in the following of what speech Mr. Marco Calculli, Hail immediately posted on the wall inside of that house which they set up in plain sight, de quo ... fatemur.
And more Mr. Governor said that the public levasse the flag, and because in that there is an undertaking of the Benedictine Fathers of the order and content of the Royal Audience, the flag should be there coll'imprese MS ( God forbid) those words Mr. Mastro said the South's Fair, in which the flag were the predecessors of the Kings and the firearm businesses, to the Master of the show is made to explain and open the Flag, and have seen, and observed the effigy of St. Benedict, not the arms of the Sovereign Majesty (God forbid), so Mr. Governor has said is the truth, this is a portrait of S. Benedict, and there are no real business of Charles de Bourbon, the King our Lord (God forbid).
And so Mr. Salati, Master of Fair Ave ordered to take off from the public the Flag, in the presence of such a provision, and as a result of testamur quo, saying take place another flag with the image of SM if they are here, or it was done by a painter, he put it there.
Then it mag.co Mayor then told the person to acknowledge D. Salati Francesco as Master of the exhibition on behalf of the Royal Audience, and as such ready to obey his every say, offering more than ready to give him any assistance, and the people he believes would be of service to order, and Mr. Mastro said that the Fair would have expected, and had already shipped some license with the title of MS, and of 'Ill.mo Mr. Dean, and they said that for this reason, each one recognize it, and gives help and support, the Mayor Mag.co ave replied he was ready to obey.
Of all the speech held respectively at the request of the Treasury ma.co Marchesale room, he's formed this public document for future care and the truth of things above ... ..
So they swore.
Present: Judge Domenico Morano Reggio contracts; Giuseppe Domenico de Chijo, Nicola Antonio Spring, Xavier de Vetere by Matera et al.
[1] Francesco Salato - Pomarico was born in the 'March 8, 1696, by Stephen and Catherine Salt Giannullo, he graduated in Naples on June 27, 1719 UJ. From ASN-College of Doctors - Vol 58-Issue 92-fol. 2-3v.
[2] State Archives of Matera (ASM) - Protocols notary A. Palma Pomarico a. 02/10/1757 - Coll. 418.
[3] Ab. Serafino Tansi -HISTORIA CRONOLOGICA MONASTERII "S. MICHAELIS ARCHANGELI" Montis Ceveosi - congregationis Casinensis Ordinis Sancti Benedicti ab anno MLXV ab annum MCDLXXXIVecc. Neapoli, MDCCXLVI-Ex typografia abbatiana. pag- 45. -
[4] Historia Cronologica Monasterii S.Michaelis Archangeli ecc. o.c. – Arcangelo Copeti -Notizie della città e di cittadini di Matera- a cura di Mauro Padula e Domenico Passarelli. Pag. 183.
[5] Domenico Martusciello - History of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies - Napoli 1836 - at g. De Bonis. -Pag.313.
[6] Salati-Joseph "The Old Joy" - Historical - MCMXI - The Publishing Company of South-Bari page. 79 -
[7] Governor: The local court replaced the Baronial Officers who were also called Governors Viceconti, Viceduchi etc ..., which in turn replaced the old Baiul and Camerlenghi .... They were made by the Governor and one or two Mastrodatti.
[8] The Court of Master of the Fair was as follows: Master of acts, Camerlengo, Catapano, junior officers, Army Family.
[9] Chamberlain: he was responsible for the supervision of the city at night ... ... "and as such had the right of prisoners, and escarcerare every person in that time of night evesse found without his special license and that the 'he found doing some disculezza, while his hand was the key to the prisons. " Fund monasteries suppressed by ASN - Vol 5676, foll.50v-52v.
[10] Catapano (or Catapan): (from the greek kata "above" and pan "everything", that is, in modern terms superintendent )
that name in the X and XI were given to officials of the civil and military Byzantine Apulia, based in Bari
He was appointed for a short period, usually two or three years, and was invested by the Byzantine emperor of very broad powers, including command of armed forces land and sea, the administration of justice between the laity and between laity and clergy (usually judged on appeal, but exceptionally well in the first and last instance) and has exclusive responsibility for the crimes of treason . As head of
' civil administration arranged to supervise the work of extraordinary administration, such as the restoration or establishment of the city walls and defense of the privileges of the clergy. It provides for levying taxes and imposing ( layers or militia ) and decided on the exemption on tax liens. Catapano was assisted by the loyal employees who were not holders of certain offices, but became available to perform the tasks suggested by the needs of the moment or required by Catapano. After the fall of Byzantine rule, the Catapano became a judge with a similar function, first in Sicily and then in the Naples ......
[11] Master of acts: the registration officer-diverse administrative and accounting services. A. Copeta-news etc.. oc