Monday, March 14, 2011

Bang Bros For Free Full

Bench Linky

It 's like when you're on the bench, to wait and study the situation . Can not wait to get to split his face from opponents and not because they hate them but because they want to bring home a victory.
Are you there, loading, uncomfortable, and inflamed areas. Sooner or later comes your time . It 's just a matter of time.
Because after the substitution is a practical thing, of common . Some call it equivalence in the sense that use of equivalents to replace something that is equivalent but it is not.
beginning you think something outrageous, then it will be that age you get used to do with it for a reason.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Good Team Rookie Initiation


If certain relationships end is because in reality have never begun.
n addition to other times, but had started only one side. Sometimes it was an initiation
MUTUAL but then eventually ended up the same.
Because there is a reaction to the action that is often forgotten even if you do.

But today I think that after a storm always comes back to the peaceful even though there is always a rainbow, if there was there would be a friend to tell a treasure the rava and fava that but at least you do not always need a little consolation '. In quell'invitevole advancement which often unnecessary things then utility have it. As the superficial, trivial things, places applicants, the bullshit flying, speeches trivial, frivolous to some reports, the ticking of the cuckoo clocks, thoughts ufo. I do so many things I know are.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Formula For Determining Probability

relocate the exact distinctness (eighth martial)

Ladies Day on Fat Tuesday is paradoxical as the call of G. when there are already enough in the crisis. But it happens. Fortunately for me I still have a laugh even if there is nothing to laugh, you can smile.

And so I smiled and thank those men, those many half or full or part do not know, however, that in the case of the male gender is not always (thankfully) could be verified "men" that I have:

despised, mocked, used, manipulated, frustrated, killed (the heart), choking (the lung), disturbed (thought), stupid (intellect), deluded, destimato reinforced (the irony practice), plus the inclination to independence, made for driven removal, enhanced vision for non-me, fascinated by the beauty of s-ligaments to reposition themselves in useful units.

All this because I was a woman. Fragile & enthusiastic.
the logic designed with your heart, I know it was better that way. Today I would be less than they are and maybe I never learned to love me. But the cosmic cabbage enthusiasm.

Fanchyllatevi all groups.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Buy Large Quanities Of Epsom Salts

insightful allegory

understand me that I prefer to be understood.
When I happened to be understood and felt the confusion I was afraid of being hijacked, manipulated, redirected. And that scared me away from those who would say the right things that I realized later, when I was ready to bounce without running away even if sometimes saved me from the confusion of others.
So when I see someone who is confused I do not say anything. Look to pause and do another. There is always something to do, life is short at the bottom.
There are the seasons, days of week, holidays of the year, birthdays and deadlines.
Sometimes it's also nice to do nothing.


Drivẻ Sound Ct4870

appropriate items sentimentality

will I know and I know that sometimes a ray of sunshine is enough for me to cross the nights darkened by bad weather and a lack of starlight.
amplifies those with power-ups that between the eyes and heart navigation Search similarities to be used to restore balance and practicality. After
remains the musicality that has made for some rocking time to tame those desires I have.
will come back to spring free from the nuances of curvilinear forms poorly understood because of absence forgotten. For now shoots out that it is time to revive.


Bithday Quotes For 20th Birthday

So Friendly

If you can say that life is a number that changes in meaning and remains in the path of that trail you do. Then the sum is wrong, sometimes relativized by the sense that there is good and allows to remain friends. Since
us that a friend finds a treasure, over time there can be enriched.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Variety Ofindian Boob

The 2011 releases Giorgia

"... fire, sun, temperament of a talent that sees shores from lands lights, atmospheres on different floors never look the same but similar in the totality of a universe where the same, they meet in a thousand facets, one can see and evocative images ever sterile poetic formations, light and shadow color joint rings create these "projections" on instinct and rocked fantasies of endless beauty who knows emotions carry on canvas and special shapes for intrapprendere the journey into this ..... forest where the chemistry is colorful and mysterious bride totally intrinsic nature ....." GS 2011

oil on cardboard 400g
140x100 cm

THE dizzying rise

oil on canvas 50x50cm 2011


100x70cm oil on cardboard 400g

oil on cardboard 400g


100x70cm oil on cardboard 400g

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Financial Management I. M. Pandey

Wakan Tanka - the Elémire Zolla

hunt bison in a painting by George Catlin

"The original conception of Native Americans is exempt from the categories and European settings, completely missing the idea of \u200b\u200bGod Lord everything above and holds mysterious and fearsome object of love: the Wakan Tanka Sioux is just a huge force and solemn. Still less present among the Indians was the Epicurean atheism the libertines of the seventeenth century Europeans to meet in illusions them. For a Sioux the other is not in the first place, man. locked in a community of people humanely in dispute would be suffocating for him. The Sioux, wandering in the thick of a forest, each animal perceives as his next winking between the leaves, but every tree, flower, bud, lichen, fungus, pay attention to each and greetings. Note the shape of the earth like an intellectual and passionate, which imposed the mysterious mountains offer knowledge to those who gather for stopovers between the nests of eagles and valleys to the lavish living waters. Finally, the Indians feel like its big brother, terrible and auspicious, the bird of thunder, lightning and wind together. In the sky reads the oracular speech of the stars that guide him in the night and announce events, talking to the intimate. The Indians live well together, identified with what, hugging him or hurting him, surrounds him. "
(Elémire Zolla - taken from: The cloud frame )

Monday, January 31, 2011

Fergie Handbag Collection

Don Bosco 'A life for young people "

Friday, January 21, 2011

Brazilian Wax Gives Me Discharge?

A look at the forest of Apollineus


beech trees

Sunday, January 16, 2011

How Much Is Plan B At Walmart In Michigan


You at dawn
or very nearly almost
look in my eyes this sun,
you've never chills
neither cold nor hot,
you that you're not suffering dizziness
top of your arms shrubs ...
Your deep pockets as souvenirs
- roots -
and that you, King
not awaiting Queen
that the Queen is the same mountain
where you sit
(Ramon Parral)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Monica Rocafforte On Line

The Diary - January 14, 2011

the rocks bordering the canal south-west - photo by Indio; below: 1. loricati shoulder east of the rocky canyon, 2. during the ascent, 3. parked on a rock, 4. Southwest saw the canyon from the west ridge, below the summit; 5. the center of the photo, pair of ravens on a rocky peak, facing the horizon, 6. author's self-timer at the top.

"It 's a way I have of driving off the spleen, and regulating the circulation"
(H. Melville, Moby Dick)

Monte Pollino the canyon southwest

It was not long ago that I climbed Mount Pollino. Monte Pollino, for its characteristic shape of a "cake" lends itself to not go up very long but quite challenging. Two years ago I tried to climb the steep canyon north-east, but failing to reach the top.
Now the intention is to go up instead on the south-west gully, steep but more " affordable "route already known to some hikers CAI The day promised good weather and did not want to miss the opportunity of a trip on a busy street never done before. Years ago, the canyon southwest triggered an avalanche that swept through the beech trees. Today, the wound is heal and the signs of that event can be recognized even in the trunks and uprooted the small beech trees that now grow back slowly. Arriving in Gaudolino point immediately in the direction of the canyon, following its line of avalanche, with the first objective to reach the first loricati majestic overlooking the woods. The climb is tiring trudge to the wooded slopes and almost gives a slight sense of anxiety. I put the shoe, snapping up the heel, system devised to climb the steep slopes. The snow is quite high in the forest, dry and powdery. Every so often helps me to pull myself up clinging to the small beech trees. I can not wait to get out of the woods where you can sit in front of the wild pines clinging to the cliffs.
finally go out in the middle of the canyon. Here the snow is hard and compact, but there seems no trace of glass, which makes it unnecessary crampons that I have in the backpack. Start the climb continued use of snowshoes. Now I have to be very careful not to slip that is not to lose any object or tool (eg, ax) along the slope. Going to retrieve the objects that I would slip down back to square one. I am surrounded by images of wild grandeur: the rocky cliffs along the canyon to the right and left, dominated by loricati almost inaccessible. Snowshoes are made now are bulky and I have to remove. Digging with the shovel a "step to stop" place for backpack and camera and to take away the rackets. Liberatomi snowshoes from start to rise, creating steps with the toe of the boot. The snow is compact and can keep me clinging to the slope, use the ax now mo 'for taproot, now resting and relaxing their fists, with his hand near the beak penetrates into the snow. In order not to fatigue in these cases is appropriate, as experts say climbing, move the pelvis backward, using the tips of the boot and setting the progression as if they ascended up a ladder.
When the calves are too should be encouraged to stay in the "rest", placing the foot heel. Some knowledge of technical climbing for the simple hiker does not hurt and can be monitored in their trips ... I might take it more comfortably, but I have a damn hurry on time even if they are not I be more patient. Perhaps the concern is a disposition of mind typical of those who go in search of mountain wilderness. Perhaps serenity and inner peace does not really lead ever the men of the mountains ...
however I find the time to contemplate and photograph loricati pine trees illuminated by the clear light of day. The next target are the rocks immediately above. My idea is that there is so much more to go, but then I realize I'm already reached the west ridge of the beautiful line, just below the summit. I arrived here the playback sound of the wind, strong enough. I put my jacket and continued to climb the ridge to reach the summit. The snow is shaped by the wind and the lines seem to draw an abstract work.
I sit on the pylon that indicates the top and use my frugal breakfast. And then they begin to fall. Is it just me and the mountain today, a mountain surrounded by "white silence". Going down the south ridge, the rocks slide and slam the left knee on the hard stone literally see "the stars" ... luckily it's nothing serious and excruciating pain does not last long.
At the top of the cliffs above the entrance of the path that will lead me Gaudolino are perched two ravens, which are projected on silouetthe clear the distant mountains, illuminated by the light of the afternoon and then saw me bring you away. He took the classic path
I just have to go back to Colle Impiso, and directs them to walk to the place where I left my car just after Visitone ...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Shooting Left Thigh Pain

Trees in the snow

"It may be that some little root of the sacred tree is still alive. Then Feed him, because they can throw the leaves and flowers and filled with songbirds. "
Black Elk