Friday, December 31, 2010
How To Give Self Hanging Wedgi
Friday, December 24, 2010
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Ancora un poco / e scorgeremo i Mandorli fiorire / brillare i marmi al sole / fluttuare e il mare / / ancora un poco, / solleviamoci ancora un po 'più su
Only a few still / and we will see the blooming almonds the marble shining in the sun / sway and the sea / / just a few things still, / let us by a little higher up.
Encore un peu / et nous les verrons Amandiers Fleurir / les Marbres briller au soleil / la mer, les vagues here déferlent / / encore un peu, / élevons-nous un peu plus haut.
A little farther / we will see the blossoming almond trees / the marble gleaming in the sun / the sea waves breaking into / / a little farther, / let us laugh a little higher.
Giorgos Seferis
Saturday, December 18, 2010
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Rather than a straight line across the sky, flying over the village and out ... seem to want to explore the surrounding air in the valley. The choir that I had the good fortune to hear sounds to me as unusual, and seems to come from distant worlds.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
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Man lives in society, therefore, man is a gregarious animal, "but we can not accept, for Abbey, that he always needs to live at close quarters with others to feel safe . Otherwise, men should be treated in the ungulates, a "flock of sheep." And if you can not accept this, to live authentically as humans is therefore necessary that there are wild places. That's so that nature becomes a necessity essential for man ... "vital to our lives as water and good bread" . For Abbey we need wild places we will not go though never in contact with them. But the important thing is that this possibility is guaranteed for all.
The wilderness becomes a space-limit, , "other," alien to the categorization of civilization and for the same reason the place of freedom for the individual who wants to find the contact with the primordial elements of the world in which they live. Abbey is an anarchic, rebellious spirit, and seems to include the destruction and taming of the wilderness as one of the many manifestations of the totalitarian power of the modern "industrial civilization." In fact, this book is a bit of Abbey 'as the swan song of a' wild area that is about to disappear. E 'Abbey himself to say in the introduction: "Most of the things I speak in this book have already disappeared or are disappearing fast. This is not a travel guide, but an elegy. A commemoration. You hold a tombstone. " points mentioned by Abbey in Desert solitary began to suffer the invasion of mass tourism and industrialization. Arches will be constructed within the territory of parking lots and roads to promote mass tourism, while the Colorado River will be impeded by the huge dam in Glen Canyon. A chapter of the book (Down to the river ) is dedicated to the story of his trek by canoe made by Abbey along with his friend, along the course of the wonders of Colorado. "The world of the canyon becomes more beautiful every hour, as we approach the end. We believe we have forgotten, but we can not forget - the consciousness houses such as strontium in the bone of our bones - that the Glen Canyon was given the death sentence. "
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
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The following page should have been presented by Maurizio Marotta in the course of the opening of the Editions of the Shadow in Pistoia, December 12 last year. Too much discretion and not an oversight allowed the reading. It is published here for common understanding with the author and with his permission.
June 10, 1998 Get
lying on the grass, his face toward the sky. Look
movement there in the universe. If your having a great time the clouds carried by the wind toward the landing of the highest mountains or in the open heart of a valley-de-sac. See how the plants themselves are affected by his gentle hand, how many leaves and pine needles falling off pouring on the ground, such as wheels, which surprised falling headlong.
And all the birds that there is no air and color.
then lean on his stomach. Keep your eyes stuck to the ground and look how huge that is small at times. He runs a beetle to a blade of grass and crushed. A black ant drag a piece of paper over her here somehow. Right this way a frothy slug above a bud just checked and here is a caterpillar is closed in her shyness and her fear curled in the shade of a stone, there as a shell without the water, dangling a fly cocooned in the canvas of a tiny spider , A sudden stroke to pass before your eyes the dark trails of flying insects buzzing trombones, violins rapid or high wind music.
All this happens as long as this life is not an auction stands the shiny green lizard. And everything goes out. Who was vanishes. And you're alone, you beast's eyes and the points that you have seen and recognized as nails still in my own life and the same fate.
Cheelì, my Sultan, tell me anything that does not know whether this might seem an empty fantasy is closed or not a deeper meaning. You who read these words in a gilded room in your home bright, maybe have a key or perhaps a machine of iron that can leave an imprint on the paper clearer and more sharply than that I do not know. And if today between those mechanisms secrets buried your cat's favorite golden snake or carry with you, I beg you to remove them from the hard toothed gears, start the wheel, correct design intent and the phrases that I wrote, to create more permanent ink and hell. You
you can, pull the rope that hangs from the edge of this pit. Shake the rusty pulley and see if you print at the bottom of the bucket of water or light the black carcass of a dead bee too much there for the thirst of all.
Monday, December 13, 2010
My Gf Loves To Sit In My Stomach
Poems For My Pregnant Sister
Fernanda Ferraresso became interested in "From staltra part of the shore" by Andrea Longega in Cartesensibili blog (The Bridge of salt). Thank you very much. Here is the link to the intervention:
Saturday, December 11, 2010
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Victory reported by the Christian coalition forces in the waters of Lepanto on October 7, 1571 the Ottoman aroused great enthusiasm especially in the Neapolitan people, they, at the urging of Pope Pius VI, who attributed the victory to the power and protection of Our Lady of the Rosary, they yes it spread a strong devotion rosariana.
worship, of course, he was treated and released, in large and small communities, the Dominican Fathers who began to establish congregations of women and men had in common devotion to the S. Rosario. [1
Holy Thursday 2008
Although we have not found a trace of a presence and activity in the territory of Celsus and neighboring countries, a "Promoter of the Rosary" and actor rosariana dissemination, but we can not deny the matrix in the Dominican foundation of the Brotherhood.
The first mention of the Congregation of S. Rosario is in a different S. January 14, 1747 visit made by Bishop Raymond describing the condition and the chapels of the Rosary "... canvas with the mysteries of the Rosary, Confraternity of the University."
Stella Cilento
Therefore, the Chapel of the Rosary was built dall'Universitas of Celsus, was owned by the city, certainly built with the alms of the people and of its directors and was managed by the Brotherhood.
From the beginning the devotion to Our Lady of the Rosary and the practice of the Rosary brought together daily in house churches and the highlights of the community, along with "comp" entire families to implore graces and blessings.
great impetus to this S. Devotion was given by the encyclical "Supreme Apostalatus" that SS Pope Leo XIII promulgated September 1, 1883.
With this encyclical, the S. Father urges "... urge all the faithful to, or public or in private, each in your home and family, they strive to practice the devotion of the Rosary, never forgetting the use, but we also that the entire month of October of this year will be dedicated and consecrated to the heavenly Queen of the Rosary. ... Strongly approve of the Confraternity of the Rosary, following an ancient tradition, make solemn procession through the streets of the city, a public demonstration of their faith ....
Archbishop Primate Archbishop of Salerno Valeria Aspro ... urged and encouraged the use of the Holy Virgin. Mary and the Rosary, according to the attentions of the Pope lives, especially in
Celso A devotion to the Virgin Mary and the practice of the Rosary, has experienced moments of great spiritual intensity and especially in 1888 in
It has always been faithful to that mission, the Holy Father and his bishops have granted and has always been a point of reference and within the clot in his community.
Church Sessa Cilento
In relation to the institution of the parish
In particular we hope that the principles handed down by the church through the centuries and new charges arising from the pastoral and liturgical Vatican 2 °
[1] still in Folklore call use the rosary "the Paternoster" this is due to the use of instruments, knotted cords, chains that the Byzantine monks used to keep track of prayers (VII cent.).
[2] From - Generoso Crisci: The Church's journey in the work of its bishops Salernitana - (sec. V-XX) - vol. III.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Herpes From Nose To Genital?
Friday, December 3, 2010
Where To Place Troffer Lights In Dental Rooms
The book "My first summer in the Sierra", refers to his diary that Muir held every day during the period of his wanderings among the mountains of Yosemite.