Victory reported by the Christian coalition forces in the waters of Lepanto on October 7, 1571 the Ottoman aroused great enthusiasm especially in the Neapolitan people, they, at the urging of Pope Pius VI, who attributed the victory to the power and protection of Our Lady of the Rosary, they yes it spread a strong devotion rosariana.
worship, of course, he was treated and released, in large and small communities, the Dominican Fathers who began to establish congregations of women and men had in common devotion to the S. Rosario. [1
Holy Thursday 2008
Although we have not found a trace of a presence and activity in the territory of Celsus and neighboring countries, a "Promoter of the Rosary" and actor rosariana dissemination, but we can not deny the matrix in the Dominican foundation of the Brotherhood.
The first mention of the Congregation of S. Rosario is in a different S. January 14, 1747 visit made by Bishop Raymond describing the condition and the chapels of the Rosary "... canvas with the mysteries of the Rosary, Confraternity of the University."
Stella Cilento
Therefore, the Chapel of the Rosary was built dall'Universitas of Celsus, was owned by the city, certainly built with the alms of the people and of its directors and was managed by the Brotherhood.
From the beginning the devotion to Our Lady of the Rosary and the practice of the Rosary brought together daily in house churches and the highlights of the community, along with "comp" entire families to implore graces and blessings.
great impetus to this S. Devotion was given by the encyclical "Supreme Apostalatus" that SS Pope Leo XIII promulgated September 1, 1883.
With this encyclical, the S. Father urges "... urge all the faithful to, or public or in private, each in your home and family, they strive to practice the devotion of the Rosary, never forgetting the use, but we also that the entire month of October of this year will be dedicated and consecrated to the heavenly Queen of the Rosary. ... Strongly approve of the Confraternity of the Rosary, following an ancient tradition, make solemn procession through the streets of the city, a public demonstration of their faith ....
Archbishop Primate Archbishop of Salerno Valeria Aspro ... urged and encouraged the use of the Holy Virgin. Mary and the Rosary, according to the attentions of the Pope lives, especially in
Celso A devotion to the Virgin Mary and the practice of the Rosary, has experienced moments of great spiritual intensity and especially in 1888 in
It has always been faithful to that mission, the Holy Father and his bishops have granted and has always been a point of reference and within the clot in his community.
Church Sessa Cilento
In relation to the institution of the parish
In particular we hope that the principles handed down by the church through the centuries and new charges arising from the pastoral and liturgical Vatican 2 °
[1] still in Folklore call use the rosary "the Paternoster" this is due to the use of instruments, knotted cords, chains that the Byzantine monks used to keep track of prayers (VII cent.).
[2] From - Generoso Crisci: The Church's journey in the work of its bishops Salernitana - (sec. V-XX) - vol. III.
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